PDF Extract Logo

Can't get AI to understand the PDF you uploaded? We couldn't either, so we built PDFPrepared to extract the full text instead. Copy the output generated below and paste it right into your chat.

How does it work?

  1. Add your file. We support up to 100 pages per upload.
  2. Enter your credit card information (we charge $1 for each file).
  3. We will extract the text and provide it back to you on this page. We extract text on our servers and do not send your data to LLMs or other providers. We also delete the files that have been uploaded and do not store the extractions.

What our users say

"I thought I was going to have to go through my 200 page doc by hand, but with PDFExtract it took me less than 5 minutes and my chat results with Claude were spot on!"

- Lucas E., Product Manager

"The LLM kept telling me there wasn't relevant information in the document. PDFExtract fixed that so the LLM just read the info as text."

- Ellie D., Engineer

We support PDFs and images of documents up to 100 pages long.



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